Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Current Events (Watch the Planets Line Up With Crescent Moon in Rare Conjunction)

       Two plants, Jupiter and Venus are visible in the sky next to the crescent moon. On the date of March 25th and 26th, 2012 the planets were recently seen. They are seen in the night sky lined up, next to the crescent moon. And since Venus is so bright, in the day a few degrees above the sun toward the west. This happens because the planets are lined up at the right time, right place next to the crescent moon which makes them visible. 
       Seeing the planets in the sky next to the moon was an amazing picture. It was son cool and wish it lasted longer. This is a very rare thing that happens. its only once in awhile that you see planets from earth. On the 25th of March, me and my mom were looking at the sky and we saw theses bright dots next to and lined up with he moon. My mom knew they were planets but not sure which ones, I was curious. So, I looked it up and read that it was Venus and Jupiter. I learned something new and appreciate that Abraham Lincon saw this and made it clear, that it was planets. It was very pretty and I think every one should try and look at this beautiful sky. The bright beauty in the night and day time sky. 

Night Sky

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