Friday, January 6, 2012

Separating Mixtures Procedure

Step 1: With fingers remove toothpicks, beans, and plastic spider.
Step 2: Fold filter in fourths and put it in beaker, pour the water mixture into the beaker.
Step 3: Take filter out of beaker, put it to the side.
Step 4: Put magnet over cup to remove iron shavings so only sand is left in cup.
Step 5: Plug in heater and place the beaker on it with just the water mixture inside.
Step 6: When the water completely evaporates take the beaker off the heater. (Remove with beaker tongs)
Step 7:  Wait until it cools and then look inside the beaker and try to figure out what is left.
Step 8:  Secret ingredient is salt.
Step 9: Make sure all step are recorded so you can tell others.
Step 10: Clean up.

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