Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chemical and Physical Changes (Matter)

           Last week we worked on four labs that showed us chemical and physical changes.The first two were candles, the third was roasting marshmallows, and the last was burning sugar they all showed both chemical  and physical changes. 
This is physical change:                                                 This is a chemical change:

                 The small blue candle was the one we did first. We had to watch it burn down and melt. It was chemically changing because it was burning it was physically changing because it was getting smaller. The second candle we did was a big white one we mixed 2 substances together and held it up to the candle flam without letting the substance fall onto the flam. The flam instantly blew out and we repeated this proses again we got the same result the candle instantly blew out. Like the little candle when the candle was burning it was chemical when not lit physical. When we mixed the two substances it was chemical candle  because the chemical make up was changed.  When something burns it is always chemical change.
burning candles
          The next lab was burning marshmallows . We had to taste marshmallows that were not burned and then taste burned ones. Before it was burned it was white and fluffy after burned black and charcoal. This was a physical change the appearance was changed. This was also a chemical change because it was burned. Before being burned the marshmallow was sweet and sticky after being burned gooey and tasted like char coled burntness. This lab was easy to relate to real life because I love making s'mores. 
  burnt marshmallow
burnt sugar
             Lastly, we had on a sugar lab in where we burnt sugar. We put two sugar cubes in a test tube and held them over the Bunsen burner. The sugar was boiling and caramelizing. The sugar was at about 300 degrees, and yellow smoke started puffing out of the top of the test tube. I thought it was going to blow up but fortunately it didn't. We put the test tube on the table and smashed it with a hammer. The sugar was chemically changed it was blackened and stuck to the sides of the test tube. This lab was fun but i learned a lesson from it when working with sugar just a little burnt could make it taste horrible and not be able to do what i want to. 

             All four of these labs tought be about chemical and physical changes. I will apply what i learned to real life now. These are all in different states of matter. These labs were fun and educational, i hope in the future we do more labs that are this much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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